CrossState, PA/NJ Credit Unions Meet with Chairman Todd Harper at NCUA Headquarters, Alexandria, VA 

CrossState Credit Union Association and credit union leaders from New Jersey and Pennsylvania traveled to the National Credit Union Administration headquarters in Alexandria, VA, in the last week of September to discuss credit union regulatory and examination issues with the NCUA Chairman Todd M. Harper. The extensive visit allowed the Chairman to update the group on a variety of NCUA concerns and priorities. One concern expressed was credit union balance sheets considering interest rate, credit, and liquidity risks. 

The group had time to pose questions to Chairman Harper surrounding examinations, the member business lending cap, cannabis banking, the CFPB view on junk fees, interest rate caps, authority to review CUSOs and third-party vendors, and credit unions exploring the use of available climate funds to provide green energy products to disadvantaged communities.  

CrossState thanks those who attended the NCUA meeting for their support of credit union advocacy and representing New Jersey and Pennsylvania credit unions’ interests. 

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