Project Zip Code

Make Your Members Count!

Project Zip Code is a user-friendly, secure computer program that counts a credit union’s members and matches them by congressional district, state legislative district, and county. Without full participation we can’t get a clear picture of our grassroots strength!

Project Zip Code aids in federal and state advocacy efforts and participation provides operational benefits. Credit unions can view credit union members by geographic area, which can be useful in placing ATMs and shared branching.

A credit union’s information is safe and secure with Project Zip Code. No personally identifiable data or individual information is ever collected. Project Zip Code receives only the counts of records successfully matched by the program. All of  the data remains confidential and secure with Project Zip Code.

Project Zip Code is fully compliant with all personal privacy protections established under Gramm-Leach-Bliley.

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More About Project Zip Code

Project Zip Code is compliant with the privacy laws created in Gramm Leach Bliley.

Get started today by clicking here and going to the America’s Credit Unions Project Zip Code site.

For questions regarding Project Zip Code, contact Christina Mihalik, SVP of Government Relations.

Become a Voice for Credit Unions

Our voices must be heard in Trenton, Harrisburg, and Washington, D.C. – and we need you on our side. Join the Credit Union Advocacy Network (CUAN) to play a critical role in protecting the future of credit unions.

Join the CUAN