CrossState PAC

Invest in the Future of the Movement

You can support the future of the credit union movement in several ways, including financially. Personally supporting and investing in the movement by giving to one of the PACs or the CU Action Fund provides you with a tangible way to ensure credit unions have allies in Harrisburg, Trenton, and Washington.

Your credit union will need to have signed its Participation Agreement before you can donate to the CrossState PAC. Please use the dropdown below to find your credit union. If your credit union has not signed the agreement, please contact CrossState SVP of Government Relations Christina Mihalik.

Contributions are strictly voluntary and are not deductible for state and federal tax purposes.  You have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.  The suggested amount is only a suggestion.  More or less than the suggested amount may be given.  The amount given by the contributor or the refusal to give will not benefit or disadvantage the person being solicited.  Corporate contributions are prohibited.