First Harvest Credit Union ‘Adopts’ Five Families for the Holidays
Information and image provided by First Harvest Credit Union

First Harvest Credit Union (First Harvest), New Jersey’s second largest credit union by membership, is extremely proud of its First Harvest employees for coming together to adopt five families during the holiday season. Coordinated by our Charitable Journey group, which is an employee-run charity program, our staff pulled funds together allowing them to fulfill the gift wish-list of every single family member that were adopted, including children and parents. From bikes for the entire family, everyday necessities such as pants and shirts, to providing a grocery store gift card as an added gift to help with holiday meals – our staff went above and beyond to make sure all five families can have a wonderful holiday.
The Charitable Journey program is an employee-run charity that was established in 2015 by a volunteered group of First Harvest employees who have a genuine passion for serving the community. The committee members take the time out of their busy work schedules to facilitate various donation collection efforts among all employees throughout the year. “Our journeys take us to wonderful places and touch the hearts of many people.” is the Charitable Journey program motto. Since its inception, First Harvest and its employees have donated over $48,000 to charities and organizations that are near and dear to their hearts.