Learn About Successful Financial Education Programs: Meet the 2023 Financial Literacy Award Winners
Event Information
Each year the CrossState Foundation holds the Financial Literacy Awards and chooses 5 winners. The Foundation receives applications from across Pennsylvania and New Jersey and a review committee chooses programs of excellence from various credit union asset sizes.
Credit Unions empower their members by providing a solid foundation and roadmap to financial success. Join the Emerging Leaders and a panel of the 2023 award winners and hear about their effective programs – from student chapters, using their team’s certified credit union financial counselors, to school programs and financial reality fairs. Learn what other credit unions are doing to provide the best financial education for their members and community. You will certainly get some ideas to take back to your credit union.
Proud Sponsors of the Emerging Leaders
Welcome and Introduction
- Lisa Barshinger, First Capital Federal Credit Union
- Sue Ward-Diorio, CrossState Credit Union Foundation
One on One Financial Education: Financial Counselors and the Community Savings Challenge
- Karen Wood, Service 1st FCU
Classroom Education: Customizable Financial Education Offerings
- Tamika Baker and Megan Thoman, White Rose Credit Unions
A Student Branch: The Castle 2.0
- Adrian Rodriguez and JoAnn Garcia, North Jersey Federal Credit Union
Year-round School Education: In-School Financial Wellness Initiative
- Angie Barlup, Belco Community Credit Union
Interactive Student Financial Education: Financial Reality Fairs
- Steve Turpin, Lanco Federal Credit Union
- Member of the Reading Reality Fair Committee
Question and Answers
- Lisa Barshinger, First Capital Federal Credit Union
Closing Remarks
- Tyler Staley, CrossState Credit Union Association